MOE 2024.06


The 2024.06 release of Chemical Computing Group's Molecular Operating Environment (MOE) software includes a variety of new features, enhancements and changes that are summarized in this document.

Core System

Default forcefield. The default forcefield has changed; it is now AmberEHT in MOE 2024.

AmberEHT is a new forcefield introduced in MOE 2024 that:

  • Uses MOE 2024's new bond angle and torsion EHT parameterization.
  • Is updated to Amber19, with CMAP torsion cross-term corrections.
  • Provides support for non-standard nucleic acids and sugars.

Updated EHT angle and torsion parameterization. A novel bond angle and torsion parameterization methodology based on percentage s hybridization on directional bonds is now used for all forcefield EHT calculations in MOE. The new parameters have been found to lead to good agreement with QM geometry predictions. Note: As a consequence, Amber10:EHT energy terms may differ from those in MOE 2022.02 and earlier.

NEW! AmberEHTo Forcefield. The new AmberEHTo forcefield is similar to the new AmberEHT forcefield, the difference being that it uses:

Note that the AMBER CMAP is now saved to PRMTOP files, to correct backbone torsion psi-phi angles in proteins during Amber MD simulations.

Potential Setup. A new Selected Atoms Only option on the Parameters tab of the Potential Setup panel allows for displaying the parameters of only the atoms currently selected in the system.

Updated pKa model. The pKa model in MOE was retrained and improved. Note: this may result in differences from MOE 2022; for example, in protomer enumeration.

NEW! Ligand Torsion Analyzer. MOE | RHS | Ligand | Ligand Torsions launches a monitor for dynamically assessing the quality of dihedral angles in the current system based on their consistency with CSD statistics. Bond sleeves with traffic light coloring are displayed in the MOE 3D window as quality indicators, along with a text summary. Additionally, a Ligand Torsion Analyzer color bar can be displayed in the MOE footer Dihedral Plot for the currently selected torsion.

NEW! OpenMOPAC integration. OpenMOPAC 22.1.1 is now distributed with MOE. MOPAC 7, which was previously distributed with MOE, is no longer part of the MOE distribution in 2024.

OpenMOPAC has been integrated into all applications in MOE that supported the use of MOPAC 7, 2012, or 2016. In particular, support for the MOZYME keyword has been explicitly added to the MOPAC settings page, provided as a Linear Scaling (MOZYME) checkbox.

NEW! Database Viewer Filters. Filter Database, available through either DBV | Edit | Filter or the button in the menu bar of the Database Viewer, provides a quick interactive way to filter database entries by property. The distributions of database field values are displayed as histograms or lists of categorical values, in which a range of values can be specified. The data display is updated dynamically when any changes are made to the database contents.

Filter Database provides the following:

File formats. Support for the following file formats has been added or enhanced:

Support for 5-letter residue names. PDB reading and writing has been updated to support round-trip preservation of 5-letter residue names in MOE. Long names are mapped to short names, with the mapping written into REMARK 99 for recovering the long names on reading. Reading and writing of REMARK 600 records containing long residue names is now supported as well.

Pi-pi contacts. The display of π-π interactions (between planar rings) can be enabled from the MOE Footer | Contacts popup.

Ribbon display. Ribbons have been updated with the following features:

System Manager. The System Manager context menu, opened by right clicking on any of the lines in the System Manager, now provides a Show 2D button that shows the corresponding molecule in the 2D overlay display in the MOE Window.

UI Zoom. The UI zoom factor of MOE windows can now be done on a per-monitor as well as a per-window basis:

Bubble Help. Bubble help in the Database Viewer and Sequence Editor have been enhanced as follows:

NEW! Video links. Context-sensitive video help is now available for many of the panels in MOE. In addition to the manual page link, where available, one or more video links will be listed when the help button is pressed. If no video links are available, the manual page will open automatically.

Selection expression language. The following updates have been made:

Third party software support. The following software versions are now supported:

Note that precompiled GPU ptx files are now patchable; i.e. they can be added to the MOE patch and custom directories.

MOE menus. The following changes have been made to MOE menus.

Menu Name Menu Item Description
MOE | File
Capture Opens the Capture submenu, for accessing the Capture application.
MOE | Help Videos Opens, which provides on-line access to MOE help videos.
MOE | RHS | Ligand Ligand Torsions Launches the Ligand Torsion Analyzer, which displays sleeves on torsion bonds colored to indicate quality.
DBV | Edit Filter Opens Filter Database, for filtering entries in the Database Viewer.
DBV | Compute Protein Patches Opens the Save Protein Patches panel, for calculating protein patches for structures in the database, and writing them to the database.
DBV | Compute | Analysis Protein Patch 2D Maps Opens the Protein Patches 2D Maps panel, to display the 2D maps of 3D protein patches that are saved in the database.
SE | Alignment | Constraints | Project <MOE Project name> Specifies the project from which to obtain alignment constraints. The constraints will be taken from the project reference file.


Conformation Import. In 2024, Conformation Import was rewritten for better performance and reliability:

As a consequence of these updates, there almost no failure cases (i.e. where conformations cannot be generated), and calculations are generally much faster than with the previous version.

Note: the output database is now always written with conformations in packed mode.

NEW! Capture. Capture provides the ability to easily save the current system along with a title and text annotations – together referred to as a capture – and subsequently browse and edit saved captures. Captures are saved to a Capture file which is specified when the application is launched, and which can be switched later in the MOE session if desired.

Features include:

MOEsaic. MOEsaic, the web-based application for Structure Activity Relationship (SAR) and Matched Molecular Pair (MMP) analysis, has been enhanced as follows:

Protein structural alignment. The protein structural alignment methodology in MOE has been redesigned for greater accuracy.

Pharmacophore Search with subsets. Pharmacophore Search now support the use of selection expressions for restricting the pharmacophore search to a subset of atoms of the system. This makes it possible, for example, to use pharmacophore search to quickly find protein-protein docking poses that satisfy particular interaction requirements.

The new Selection option provides the ability to restrict the search by specifying the following sets of atoms:

Pharmacophore Query Volume Expressions. The Pharmacophore Editor now supports the use of selection expressions and sets in Volume expressions.

Spectral Analysis. The Spectral Analysis application has been enhanced with the following updates:

Note: In Conformation Search, QM duplicate removal is no longer done.

QuickPrep. Overwrite Temperature Factor by Displacement is a new refinement option which, when enabled, overwrites the atom temperature factor with the distance the atom moved during minimization, multiplied by 30.0.

Protein Patches. Protein Patches 2D Maps has been enhanced as follows:

The Protein Patch Analyzer has a new Area field that reports the cumulative total patch area of all patches listed.

Protein patches can now be calculated over a database. DBV | Compute | Molecule | Protein Patches opens the Save Protein Patches panel, in which the type of patch as well as patch parameters can be specified.

Ensemble Protein Properties. The following are new features in Protein Properties:

Epitope Analyzer. When browsing a database that contains computed epitopes, the epitope analysis panel is now embedded in the DBV Browser.

Protein Design. Two new options have been added to Protein Design:

Protein Contacts. Protein Contacts provides new PosA and PosB aggregation modes. These allow summarizing all interactions for a unique residue in SetA or SetB, respectively. Since multiple residue contacts and types may exist, the corresponding interacting pair in PosB or PosA, respectively, may be a list of residue names/positions.

Pro:Pro Dock. When the system contains an annotated antibody-antigen complex, Protein-Protein Docking will now auto-select the antibody as the ligand, and the antigen as the receptor. $CDR_H3 is then auto-selected as the ligand site (the active site on the ligand), and Use Hydrophobic Patch Potential is enabled by default. "Antibody mode" is enabled through a single Auto-detect CDR Site Restraints option, which automatically detects antibody structures and, if found, automatically uses the CDR H3 loop as an additional site restraint.

In batch mode, a Verbose Log File can now be specified. Extra progress information is written to this file during the docking run.

Antibody Modeler. The Antibody Modeler has the following enhancements:

MOE project database RNA support. Support for RNA families has been added to the following applications in MOE:

Database Wash. The Database Wash application has been enhanced with a Entropic Filtering option which, when enabled, will result in protomers with insignificant contributions being removed. This option is only available when the Protonation mode is set to Enumerate.

Database Wash now also provides a Batch button which can be used to submit Wash jobs to a queueing system, or to perform local calculations at a later time. The application has also been reimplemented to support MPU parallelization.

Database Correlation. A new Clipboard button in the Database Correlation panel copies the correlation matrix R values and field titles onto the text clipboard in tab-separated form.

Descriptors. The following descriptors have been added:

Name Description
druglike Drug-like compound: 150 <= weight <= 600, -1.0 <= logD < 6.0, RBC <= 9
(approximate weight and logD values).
Note: in previous versions of MOE, druglike was an alias for lip_druglike.
fraglike Fragment-like compound: 75 <= weight <= 300, -1.0 <= logD < 3.0, RBC <= 3
(approximate weight and logD values).
leadlike Lead-like compound: 150 <= weight <= 450, -1.0 <= logD < 5.0, RBC <= 6
(approximate weight and logD values).
Note: in previous versions of MOE, leadlike was an alias for opr_leadlike.
organic Contains only elements found normally in organic molecules, i.e. H, B, C, N, O, F, S, Cl, Br, I, with normal coordination and ionization.
Equivalent to the PM3_* descriptors, but calculated with the PM6 Hamiltonian.
Equivalent to the PM3_* descriptors, but calculated with the PM7 Hamiltonian.

Fragment tools. Several new options have been added to the fragment tools:

AMBER TI. A dt option has been added to AMBER TI; reduction of dt can help mitigate AMBER calculation instability. The range of values is limited to what is reasonable for the simulations.

Solvate. The following updates have been made to Solvate.

Flexible Alignment. A new Planar Systems are Rigid Bodies option, when enabled, will enforce that all π systems (connected components consisting of atoms connected with bonds of high π bond order), will be treated as rigid bodies.

Data Files

$MOE/lib files. The following changes have been made to $MOE/lib:

Name Description
abref/ New Ig constant domain profile for Ig constant domain identification and IMGT constant domain numbering.
New forcefield files.
cmap.frcmod.gz AMBER CMAP data file, used when saving the AMBER CMAP to PRMTOP files.
New fragment libraries for Conformation Import.
tor_lib_2020.xml TorsionLibrary 3.0 created by TorsionPatternMiner.
MOE uses the Torsion Library jointly developed by the University of Hamburg, Center for Bioinformatics, Hamburg, Germany and F. Hoffmann-La-Roche Ltd., Basel, Switzerland.

Sample molecular data files. The following changes have been made to $MOE/sample/mol, the directory of sample molecular data files:

Name Description New Renamed to
3f4h.cif.gz New
6p4a.cif.gz New
New New

SVL Programming

The following are SVL functions that have been added to or modified in MOE. Please consult the SVL Function Index for more information.

Function Description
db_DisplayAttributes Get and optionally set Database Viewer display field attributes, such as 'precision', bubblehelp, etc.
WindowCreate On Label and Button widgets, the grScale attribute 'isotropic_shrink' mode has been renamed to 'isotropic-shrink'. Note that in most cases, 'isotropic' is the desired mode.
mdl_ParseCTAB The calling syntax of mdl_ParseCTAB has changed to allow more detailed accounting of hydrogens. To preserve original behavior,

    mdl_ParseCTAB [lines, qflag]

should be modified to

    mdl_ParseCTAB [lines, [query:qflag, hcount:0]]
sm_ExtractUnique The extracted strings are unique in MOE 2024, but may not always match those generated in MOE 2022. To be robust against changes to smiles strings between between MOE versions, code that does direct string comparisons of smiles strings should regenerate them before comparing, using:

    smi = sm_ExtractUnique sm_BuildParse smi;
ViewSetup A new option ribbon_bevel_coeff controls the beveling of cartoon ribbons. The option takes an argument n between 0 and 1 (0 means no beveling).

Widgets. The following attributes have been added to widgets that compose panels.

Widget New Attributes
  • checkmarkStyle
  • checkmarkColor
  • selectionStyle
  • scrollbarWidth
  • font
  • foreground
  • background
  • extensionText
  • checkmarkStyle
  • checkmarkColor
  • selectionStyle
  • scrollbarWidth

The following are SVL functions that have been deprecated or removed from MOE. In brief, all MOPAC 7.0 functions have been removed.

Function Description
dbv_Minimize This function no longer exists in MOE. The function db_Minimize can be used instead.
These functions no longer exist in MOE.
These functions no longer exist in MOE. MOPAC can be accessed via the SCF functions.



The following platforms have been deprecated.

Supported Windows platforms are 10 and 11.


Please note that OpenMOPAC requires glibc 2.14 to run. It is also anticipated that in upcoming releases, the minimum requirement for MOE will also be glibc 2.14, which would imply a minimum requirement of the following platforms:

and the deprecation of the following platforms in upcoming releases:

These are supported in the current release, but official support may be discontinued in the next release.

Java Version

Note that the minimum Java version required to run MOE is Java 8.