RNA Modeling / Capture Design Ideas / AMBER:EHT Forcefield / High-Throughput Biologics Screening / R-group-Activity-Relationship Heatmaps / Predict ECD and ORD
CCG is pleased to announce the 2024 release of the Molecular Operating Environment, MOE. In this webinar we will present new features and enhancements in MOE 2024.06, extending the suite of computer-aided molecular design applications to include: Capture - Document and Share Design Sessions / Pharmacophore-guided High-throughput Biologics Virtual Screening / Map 2D Protein Patch Differences and Ensemble Averages / Updated Amber: EHT Forcefield Parameters from Atom Hybridization Character / Predict ECD and ORD Spectra to Determine Stereochemistry and Conformational Ensembles / Support for Non-natural RNA Bases, Ribose Backbones, and Ionization/Tautomeric States / Interactive Database Viewer Property Filter