Drug molecules binding to off-targets can cause unwanted side effects and is one of the major drivers for the attrition of molecules. Identifying off-target binding propensity at early stages when the project starts enables us to prioritize the project from a toxicity perspective along with target safety review or propose counter screening to avoid the off-target effects.
Off-target binding of molecules is more likely if the primary protein target has a significantly similar active site (both sequence and shape) with other proteins. To identify those off-targets in the early stages of the project we used PSILO(https://www.chemcomp.com/) and 3Decision’s (https://www.discngine.com/3decision) algorithm that can identify the 3D shape of similar active sites. The algorithm can map the shape of the binding site(s) (in case of multiple solved structures) and use that information to retrieve protein targets having similarity in shape. The hits generated were then aligned and visually analyzed; finally, the possible off-targets were recommended.
We report here on a prototype kinase, where we used the algorithm to recommend potential off-target kinases that can be inhibited by the designed molecules. Our algorithm predicted fourteen targets out of which four targets were not a part of our kinase panel. The search algorithm provides a consolidated account of active site similarity based on both sequence and 3D shape. Further, domain-specific similarity for the off-target protein was also analyzed for hinge region, gate-keeper residues, catalytic site, DFG loop, and the activation loop.
We performed promiscuity analysis with our internal ligands to validate if promiscuity can be extrapolated from target analysis alone. Five targets are inhibited consistently by our chemotypes, and five targets predicted by our algorithm was not inhibited by the developed molecules. Five more targets are not predicted by the algorithm-primarily because their structures are not available in the protein data bank.
Finally, we also used structure-based modeling to understand and recommend strategies to mitigate such off-target binding and inhibition.
Overall, our strategies identified potential off-target kinases in the early stages and our structure-based strategies guided the modification of chemotypes towards less promiscuous compounds. We further performed a similar analysis with marketed kinase inhibitors and are on our way to building a virtual global kinase analysis.