L'UGM & Conference est un événement de 4 jours axé sur les applications de la chimie computationnelle, la conception et la découverte de médicaments dans les domaines des agents biologiques et des petites molécules, comprenant des ateliers, des présentations scientifiques, des affiches, ainsi que des opportunités de socialiser lors de réceptions et de dîner de conférence. Toute personne intéressée est la bienvenue. Les places sont limitées, une inscription anticipée est donc recommandée.
Chemical Computing Group organise les ateliers suivants sur la conception de médicaments assistée par ordinateur. La participation aux ateliers est gratuite mais une pré-inscription est requise. Une inscription anticipée est recommandée car les places sont limitées. Des ordinateurs seront fournis. Aucune expérience préalable du logiciel MOE n’est requise.
Description: In our final episode of 2024, host Chris Williams and guest co-host, Under the Surface Executive Producer and CCG Vice President, Alain Deschênes have a long overdue chat with computational drug discovery rock star Rebecca Swett. Rebecca shares her journey from her academic beginnings to her current role at X-Chem, via roles at Novartis, Vertex, and Relay. Rebecca’s wide-ranging experience shines through as the conversation wends its way through cutting-edge computational chemistry covering machine learning, molecular dynamics, and DNA-encoded libraries. At the scale Rebecca works at, automation is key, so this topic comes up too. We’re not going to lie; it’s a lot. And, of course, there’s more … Rebecca highlights the significance of allyship and representation for women in science, and the role of community (with a shout-out to the long-running BAGIM modeling forum). Also, in the inaugural asking of the ‘Deschênes Dilemma,’ we find out what Rebecca would be doing if she wasn’t doing all of the above …
On episode 8 of Under the Surface, we’re joined by The Molecular Assassin, Arijit Basu. Arijit describes his journey from India to the US via a transformative sabbatical in Israel. Landing in the Langer lab at MIT and then finding his industrial legs, Arijit turns to computational toxicology as a way to ensure that drug hunters enable the concept of Safety by Design as a core tenant for how they’re navigating chemical space. He doesn’t discuss how he got his cool nickname though, so if that’s what you’re after, you will be out of luck.
This episode was recorded live in Montreal at our 2024 UGM.🥳